Funeral Etiquette

When someone you know passes away, your first instinct is to offer help and support to those affected. It can be hard to know what to say or do.
It's okay to feel this way.
It's natural to feel awkward or uncomfortable. You may have questions or question yourself: what do I wear? Should I bring my children? What should I say to my friends or to the family of the deceased? When should I visit?
We hope to provide you with some guidance, below, as you consider how you can support those who are grieving — and be kind to yourself in the process.
What Should I Say?
It can be difficult to know what to say to the family of the deceased to express your sympathy. To begin, offer your condolences to the family. If you are comfortable, share a memory of the deceased. In this difficult time, sharing the joy of the deceased’s life can help comfort the bereaved. For example, “I was so sorry to hear of Mary’s passing. She was always such a wonderful friend to me."